Monday, February 25, 2008

Mp3 Music Downloads Under the Radar

Could it be mp3 bloggers have found a safe way to sharing their files ? I'm not suggesting others should follow suit, but some bloggers seem to have found a way to promote their favorite music that seems to be catching on. By storing the actual mp3 file on storage sites, like megashare and posting the url in their blog, they appear to be getting around some of the illegal implications of P2P sharing. After all it seems to be a similar business model used by some mega music download sites like klite-pro. By subscribing you'll have access to unlimited music downloads, the pretty girl says in the demo, when in actuality you're using their service to tap into the music collection of fellow subscribers to the service. As I understand it, the mp3 files are not on the klite-pro servers. This strategy seems to be working for individual music bloggers now with a slight twist.

When mp3 bloggers talk about a new release or their favorite artist's work, it has the potential to create a buzz about the music and for the artist. The assumption is this could lead to greater exposure. Recently this music chatter has been studied to figure out the impact of music blogging and social network on buying decisions. Music lovers are constantly in search of new music and rightfully so they want to hear what all the buzz is all about. As the technology gives us greater access, it also has a downside. A shorter attention span and instant gratification can be the by product of too many choices. So being able to audition the music can have a positive affect on a products lifecycle. This concept hasn't gone unnoticed by the RIAA. Music bloggers are offering a service not just to their readers but also providing free product promotion to the record labels, promo agencies, and an assorted list of stakeholders. I doubt this happy medium will last for long. But it does appear to signal a possible shift in the RIAA response.

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The posts on this blog are my own opinions and are based on my experience using the respective mp3 download website. 

I have no financial interest or affiliation with any website, other than as an end-user that purchases a lot of music from a variety of sources. Your experience may vary. 

Any mp3s linked to this blog are purely for trial purposes only. If you enjoy the music, please do the right thing and support the artists and purchase their music properly. Thanks !