Tuesday, February 26, 2008

iTunes #2 for Music Downloads in the US

NPD market research group published a study announcing that iTunes is now the number two music retailer in the US due to the amount of music it sold in 2007. This is based on a 12 track equivalent CD for music downloads. 20 million songs were sold on Christmas day 2007 alone. Beyond these amazing sales figures and other facts like 48% of US teens didn't buy any CDs in 2007. 

What caught my attention was a quote from an entertainment analyst who stated that the industry struggles to improve the value of each digital customer. This is something I've attempted to address in my music download reviews and commentary. There are many music websites that are basically just one-step above bare bones in ease of use, search capabilities and aesthetic value. When will they get it, strategic improvements in the user experience can generated increased traffic and loyality. 29 million people purchased online music last year. That's up from 5 million from last year. With solid branding and better music selection and the increased numbers of baby boomers and gen-xer's entering the legal mp3 music download market, there stands additional opportunities to aid lagging CD sales and put a jolt back into the music market.

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The posts on this blog are my own opinions and are based on my experience using the respective mp3 download website. 

I have no financial interest or affiliation with any website, other than as an end-user that purchases a lot of music from a variety of sources. Your experience may vary. 

Any mp3s linked to this blog are purely for trial purposes only. If you enjoy the music, please do the right thing and support the artists and purchase their music properly. Thanks !